Well, kind of. I recently accepted an invite to visit The Chelsea Clinic and try out EmSculpt, an FDA (U.S. Food and Drug Administration) approved non-invasive body sculpting treatment for the stomach and butt. The claim of building muscle and burning fat (two words that always get my attention, hello Google AdWords) piqued my curiosity so I just had to find out more about it. And burn some fat along the way, hopefully!
Here’s more on the 80,000 sit-ups as that’s what you’re here for. EmSculpt uses the HIFEM® (high-intensity focused electromagnetic energy) technology to induce supramaximal muscle contractions that are not achievable from a normal workout. When used on the stomach area, a 30-minute treatment is akin to doing 20,000 sit-ups. Yes, 20,000. That’s way more than the total number of sit-ups I’ve done in my life! The recommendation from EmSculpt is to go through four 30-minute treatments within a two-week period so you can get the best results possible. I did as recommended and that’s how I clocked my “80,000 sit-ups” in two weeks.
During an EmSculpt treatment, you’d be lying down on the doctor’s table with a wide elastic belt Velcro-ed around the treatment area. In my case, the belt went around my mid-section as I had chosen to target my abdominal muscles. One or two rubber paddles are then inserted into the pockets within the belt. These are connected to the EmSculpt machine and are used to trigger your muscle contractions. The vibration from the paddles can feel a tad ticklish at first but that goes away quickly. In order to avoid an uncomfortable soreness in your muscles, the paddles alternates between the “vibration” mode and a “pounding mode” which helps to disperse the lactic acid build-up. Prior to your treatment, you’d have a consultation with the doctor. This is done to understand your lifestyle habits and your current fitness level. That allows the doctor to recommend the best treatment intensity to best match your body condition and desired outcome.

You can try doing this, too. Hint: it’s unlikely to work.
So, does it work? If you’re one who is relatively fit (hello, strength training), you should see a visible improvement almost as quickly as after one session. Your core will feel and look tighter. According to a 2018 study involving EmSculpt, the best results are seen three months post-treatment with study subjects registering a up to 1.7 inches reduction in waist size. While the data are encouraging, you should still consult a doctor first to determine if you’re a good candidate for EmSculpt. This will also ensure that you get the most suitable treatment for the results you want. Also, keep in mind that EmSculpt is not a substitute for exercise. For best results, you would need to pay attention to your diet. Do note that treatment prices can differ between clinics. Meanwhile, if you’d excuse me, I am going to hit the gym now so I can get my smaller waist in three months’ time!