Grooming Tips

Cold Weather

Grooming essentials for cooler climates

Whether you live in a seasonal climate in which leaves are browning and turning a rusty red or if you’re just planning a holiday to a cooler climate to escape from the omnipresent humidity with which you’re living, it’s important to know that while your body might look no different from summer (plus or minus a few kilograms), your grooming needs must be tweaked during a season change in order for you to look your best.

Beat the heat and look good while doing it.

Living in Singapore means that this could be a daily occurrence for you and be quite the style dampener. If moving to another country is not an option for you, then check out the following tips and tricks on how to beat the heat and look your best.
man look at hair

4 ways to counter hair-loss as you age

Not every man will go bald, but age does generally reduce the density of hair. So, for those who prefer to hold on to their locks longer, fret not. Here are four areas to zoom into to maintain your mane.